Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pocket gopher, cattle, gas station, fence

The hayfield is eaten down.  I don't want the cattle to overeat the field, so I put them back into the pastures and am now feeding them hay.   When I was in the hayfield to pick up the couple items people tossed out of their cars and threw into the hayfield, I noticed fresh dirt mounds.  Pocket gopher(s) are back.  I set a few traps and today I caught a pocket gopher.  That makes 98 this year.  One less than what I caught last year.

I put out a large hay bale for the cattle this afternoon.  The cows were laying in the middle pasture.  Haynes was laying in the south pasture as he had walked the river to get there.  Once I put the hay bale in the north pasture I opened a gate to let the cattle go to the hay.  Then I had to go to the south pasture and open a gate there to let Haynes come and join the cows at the hay.  He moseyed along.

Then I drove my tractor to the nearby gas station to fill it up for the Winter.  I prepaid for the diesel.  When I walked back to the pump, the pump wasn't active.  The gas station had just lost power.  While they worked on the problem I cleaned the tractor cab's windows.  The outside of them.  Then the inside of them.  They still didn't have power to run any of the pumps.  And I learned that the Wendy's restaurant next door also was without power.  Okay... I wasted enough time waiting.  I was able to get the station to give me my money back.   They'll have work to do once their power is back on to void my prepayment at the pump.

I went for a long bicycle ride to return an item to the library.   When I got home I realized that I needed to put out a new salt block in the north pasture's salt feeder.  Then I saw the feeder's one end was broken.  I got nails, a hammer, a board and fixed it.   Then I noticed the wooden hay feeder in the corral had two boards "v"d up.  Really?!!!   The boards had enlarged when they got wetter.  I thought I had fixed this the last time they were wet.  So I cut one board to make it narrower.

Then I got to work on my fence rebuild.  I got one rail cut and nailed to the posts and it was then dark.  Only one rail today.    I ain't getting much fence work done and Winter is coming.

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