Saturday, September 12, 2020

Trying to trap pocket gophers again

 Earlier this week I noticed some pocket gophers have again moved back into the south pasture.

I trapped one, the 60th so far this year.  I noticed more dirt mounds and set two traps.  The cattle had eaten down the grass in the north pasture and were interested in getting back into the middle and south pastures.  So I let them yesterday.  Today when I went to check the pocket gopher traps the cattle had devastated them.  The milk jugs on the metal posts were now scattered.  One milk jug was broken into pieces.  The metal posts were bent over.  One trap was disturbed and triggered.  The other trap was still set but mostly covered with dirt.

So I removed the traps from the pasture.  I'll reset them someday to catch gophers when the cattle don't have access to the south pasture.

In past I talked about how I have to place metal posts around wooden salt feeders to keep the cattle from knocking everything over.  Don't remember if I posted a photo.  Anyway, here is a photo from today.

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