Monday, September 09, 2019

Rain and irrigation

Rain came Sunday evening before my evening irrigation pipe move.  I cold see it coming so I started my move a little after 6 pm instead of the usual 7 pm start.

I was two-thirds the way through the first line of pipes when it began to sprinkle.  Even though I was wet, before turning on water to that line, I put on my raincoat I had brought along.

I was happy Toby decided to go from the middle of the pasture to the west side so I wouldn't have to keep as close of an eye out for him.  The other day when I put out a salt block for him he came over towards me and put his head down and started to jump and buck.  He was not happy I would not open the gate to let him join Diamond and Maria.

I had five pipes left on the second line when it began to rain harder.  The raincoat is water resistant, not waterproof.  I was very wet by the time I turned water to the second line on.  I got back to the house by 7:20 pm.

I dried off and laid down.  Ten minutes later I wondered if the sprinkler water would reach the salt block left out for Toby.  Back on went the wet pants and cap.  I left my shirt off, it was soaked already.  The water didn't quite reach the salt block, but I moved it to the other side of the tree anyway.  Due to the rain I hadn't walked the line to check it after turning the water on.  Now I found the end cap was leaking and a pool of water had formed.  For this particular pipe the end cap leaked.  So I got my tool and, with the water still flowing, popped off the last two pipes and switched them.  The end cap did not leak on the switched pipe.

I for sure was soaked by the time I got back in the house after these 15 minutes.  Daisy had decided to wait the rain out wherever she was at.  She showed up a couple of hours later for supper all wet as it hadn't quit raining.  She is currently sprawled out and sleeping on my lap as I type this post having finally dried off her smelly wet fur.

After Sunday night's irrigation pipe move I have two more (one day) of moves and then I am done irrigating for the year.  For us, this is a very good rain total so far. I'll see in the morning whether I will move the pipes or call it good and turn off the pump.

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