Friday, September 13, 2019

More fence repairs


Those cattle.  Mainly Maria.  Early evening when I went out to work on the corral fence I saw Maria's calf in the north pasture along the middle/north pasture fence.  In the middle pasture near the fence was the rest of the herd.  Some mooing going on.  I looked around the north pasture and saw Diamond and her calf.  Where was Maria; and where was Toby?

I found Maria in the middle pasture among the herd along the fence near her calf.  Fat as Maria is she apparently jumped over the fence where the top wire was broken in the three strand section of the fence.  The north pasture has more and taller and greener grass so it makes no sense to go to the middle pasture.  But Maria did.

After a hassle as the rest of the herd also wanted to come through the gate into the north pasture, I finally got Maria through the gate so she could be back with her calf.

I walked around the north pasture looking for Toby.  He was at the last place I looked.  He was laying down along the buffalo fence next to the hayshed.  Once he got up and went to eating grass, he tipped over the large corral panel with a gate that I had leaning against the buffalo fence.  *sigh*

I fixed the broken fence wire.  I also discovered a dozen or so wire clips were missing from holding various strands of barb wire to various metal posts.  Wooden posts lose some of their staples over time but wire clips stay on.  Strange, especially as I didn't see any wire clips on the ground.  I fixed the fence by replacing the wire clips.

With the middle/north pasture fence fixed I turned my attention back to the corral fence.   To prevent the cattle from pushing off a few boards in the future I cut a large piece of wire mesh into four sections and fastened them to four sections of corral fence.  I only did four sections as the sun was setting, and I also ran out of staples to nail the mesh to the fence.

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