Saturday, August 03, 2019

Cockeyed gate photos

A couple photos of the gate Toby bent.  While the tube diameter makes you think this is a light-weight gate, it is not. Whatever metal HW uses in their brown gates, this is one tough gate.  So it took Toby some effort to bend it even this much.

Note: Usually the water quickly seeps in the ground and does not pool.  However there are a couple areas where the water does pool when I irrigate.  These tend to be rockier areas.

A reminder of what Toby looks like.

This evening when I was moving the irrigation line Toby took the opportunity to stand at the main corral gate looking for Mama or Diamond.  It's been less than 24 hours.  He also checked out any cow that walked nearby him.  What a horn dog.  I kept one eye fixed on him when I moved pipes near him or where he was walking.  He behaved.

I am working on reattaching the field fence to the south pasture hayfield fence.  I had hung it on the fence after rebuilding the fence this Spring with the intention of reattaching it later.  But I found the cattle took most of it off the fence and rolled and pulled and twisted the field fence.  *sigh*   So it is time to securely reattach the field fence now.  I just need to straighten it out first.

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