Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What is a group of cows known as?

Recently I saw a trivia question of interest.

What is a group of 12 or more cows known as?

A. Bale
B. Flink
C. Clowder
D. Bed

Answer: Flink.

Flink?!    So... I have a flink of cows.    ...Doesn't sound that impressive.

Looking into it further, flink - while a real word from the 19th century - appears to have originated as 12 or more cows on the internet back in 2002 and is not a real word for 12 or more cattle.

The real answer....

Q: What is a group of cattle called?

A group of cattle is called a herd, mob, drift, drove or team. Historically, people who took cattle to market on the open range were known as drovers.

Also... bale is a group of turtles.  Clowder is a group of cats.   Bed is a group of Oysters.

More animal grouping definitions: https://sciencebasedlife.wordpress.com/2011/09/26/what-do-you-call-a-group-of/


Q: How many teeth do cows have?

A: Adult cows have 8 incisors on the bottom front of the mouth and 6 molars on the top and bottom on each side of the mouth, for a total of 32 teeth. The top front of the cow's mouth has a pad of skin and no teeth.

Calves have 20 deciduous teeth and no deciduous molars. The deciduous teeth of 75 percent of calves have all erupted at birth. The deciduous teeth of calves are replaced by permanent teeth as they grow. By 30 months of age, cows have lost all of their deciduous teeth and have their permanent teeth in place.

Q: Are bulls color blind?

A: Bulls are color blind. Like all cows, bulls have deuteranopia, meaning they cannot discern red and green colors and instead see shades of yellow or blue. When it comes to bullfighting, people are often under the impression that the red color of the matador's cape is what angers the bull in the arena, and, symbolically, red is a color that denotes anger or passion. In reality, the fluttering movement of the cape is what agitates the bull and causes it to charge the matador, not the color. The animals are more incited by white or blue capes, but the red serves a particular purpose in the arena: the color masks any blood that the creature may spray while injured.


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