Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Snowy hay move

Time to move another big hay bale.  A day earlier and the move would have been dry.  Snow started overnight and continued all day today.  While the temperature was a few degrees above freezing the precip fell as snow.  Very wet snow.  Sloppy wet.  Within minutes of working my gloves were soaked.

Otherwise the bale move went well.  I had to take a few running starts to get the bale to move as the wet snow reduced the pickup's tire's traction.  Once I got moving I kept moving.

I waited until almost dark to shovel some of the wet snow.  The weather forecast predicts below freezing temperatures after today and for the foreseeable future. While it is hard to get excited about shoveling snow that is half water, I did shovel some areas around the yard by reminding myself it will be worse to let it freeze into ice.

We got a white Christmas.  I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

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