Saturday, May 24, 2014

Yard sale done

I survived day two of the yard sale. Tammy read the weather forecast for Friday night and said it was going to rain.  So we covered the tables with tarps.  Tammy was right. It rained overnight.  Fortunately the rain stopped by the start of the yard sale at 9 am.

The weather varied during the day. Over and over of: sunny, warm, cloudy, cool, windy, several instances of light rain which meant I moved some tables under the pine tree and covered others.  It could have been worse.  People told me it was raining hard in town and some garage sales were canceled.

We sold more stuff on Saturday.  Not as much stuff as on Friday, but still worth it.  Tammy spend a few hours this noontime at  baby shower for her "daughter" here in the Flathead so I was on my own.

In the end we got rid of lots of stuff. Over $200 worth of stuff.  Lots of .25 and .50 cent items. Tammy didn't want to store most of  her remaining stuff to try again at another yard sale so she loaded it up in her minivan for donation.   My neighbor Jan had some of her stuff at our sale and she didn't want anything back.  Her stuff went into Tammy's minivan for donation.  I donated some stuff, tossed some stuff  in the burn pile, and put some boxes of stuff back into the bunk house for a future yard sale some years down the line.

Now to put the future yard sale stuff back into the bunk house and clean and organize the inside of the bunk house.

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