Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cleaning up the tree

I finished working on cleaning up the "V" box elder tree break (   Daisy helped me.

The parts of the tree not useful for the wood stove.

Daisy supervising the stomping down of the branches.

Yesterday I pulled another hay bale across the corral to the metal feeder.  Lots of mud and manure in the corral.  I needed the four wheel drive ability.

More supervising by Daisy: "Don't forget these branches!"

Everything loaded in a single pickup load
I hauled the branches next to a tree stump in the pasture.  On the to-do list: dig around the stump for later burning.

On the left most pallet: the parts of the "V" tree I will use for firewood after it is dried and split.  It was not the best stacking job as 15 minutes later half of it came tumbling down.

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