Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am so behind on my blogging.  So much is going on.

A few weeks ago I completed the harrow work for the year.  I didn't harrow the entire property like I did last year.  Instead I drug the harrow around the NE and North pastures and a third of the middle pasture.

In the NE pasture I dumped the manure pile I had dug earlier this year.  http://tallpinesranch.blogspot.com/2013/02/shoveling-shit.html     The dark piles are parts of that manure pile before I drug the harrow and spread them out.

The NE and North pasture were important to harrow because the horses would use selected areas as their bathroom and these areas had lots and lots of manure that needed to be broken up.

Since the harrow work on the NE and North pastures went well and I had time left that day I also drug the harrow over the east third of the middle pasture.  The cattle 'go wherever'  so their manure is dispersed over the pasture and there is no great need to drag a harrow to break up the manure.

The cattle had fun watching me drive in circles dragging the harrow.  They can be easily amused.

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