Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tubes and TVs

When writing about my bicycle inner tubes last night I forgot to include a photo of them.  Tonight I thought I had better success repairing them but I found one tube went from a fast leak to a slow one.  The local shop I visited today didn't have my usual Rema patch kit.  Instead he had a glueless patch.  I haven't pulled the tube tonight to see if the slow leak is because this patch loosened up, or whether the slow leak is from elsewhere on the tire.  The tire fits so tight over the rim that I have to be very careful when putting the tire back on the rim so as not to puncture the tube again.

Yesterday I also went from having my new TV on the console TV to having my TV on a coffee table.  This is just an intermediate step as I have a wall mount on order to have the TV hung on the wall.  Tammy thinks the coffee table is ugly.

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