Monday, June 22, 2009

Fencing new

Sunday I built a new section of fence along the river as I now had some posts and wire to extend the fence. I had the old and broken wooden fence posts from where I had rebuilt the fence along the road the semi truck had flattened the fence. The shorter posts work for the two strand fence I build along the river.

I had 14 of these posts. I also cut the ends into points on 20 boards to make it easier to pound them into the ground. These boards go in between the fence posts. I had more boards than fence posts as I was extending the fence and had places for the boards to go in the old section.

Even though this section of river bank isn't as steep or sensitive to cattle moving about on it I decided to fence the cattle out of it to see what happens. I think that without the cattle eating the willow tree branches I place along the river bank they will grown into trees further protecting the river bank.

The downside is that with this section fenced off the cattle have only one area to access the river in this pasture. If this puts too much stress on this area I'll have to reopen the fenced area and find some other way to protect the young willow trees I have planted.

Just as I finished the fence at dusk it began to rain. Yay! I need more moisture. And what great timing!

It was a good and steady rain as I pushed my wheelbarrow of tools home. When I reached the corral it began to rain harder. I was pretty wet by the time I got in the house for the night. At this late hour it is still raining steady and hard. Good! I hope it rains all night even if it means the rain puts out my smoldering tree stumps.

Here are my tools and fencing materials for the new fence and my method of transportation. For a poor man rancher nothing goes to waste.

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