Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bicycling, Spring, and light

Today I went for a bicycle ride. My first ride since the first half of January. Yup, that is right, I haven't ridden a bicycle since then.

I had to ride a bicycle before February was over. Ever since June 1983 I have ridden at least 2 miles every month since then. I couldn't let my riding streak of almost 25 years come to an end now.

The weather is cooperating. Today the temperature was near freezing after being -25 F earlier this week. The sun was clear and the sun felt warm. Adding to today's bliss was the lack of wind. Unusual for North Dakota. It was 'playing with my mind' as I always had a headwind no matter which direction I rode.

After I added air to the bicycle's tires I rode 10 miles west and north of town. I could have ridden more.

Spring is in the air. Not just the temperature, the sunlight also. Sunset is now a quarter after 6 pm and we are gaining three minutes of daylight every day. The sun isn't as low in the southern sky and the sunlight itself seems different - not so clear and sharp due to cold air.

Living outside of North Dakota for decades haven't changed a thing for me come Springtime. Today as I rode in the Spring air and light, seeing the large sky and the far flat Dakota horizon, and shaking off winter's hibernation, I began to dream of far off places to travel. Winter is over and it is time to plan of things to do and places to see and mountains to climb.

"Spring is when life's alive in everything."
Christina Georgina Rossetti (December 5, 1830 - December 29, 1894), an English poet.

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