Friday, July 28, 2006

Commissioners meeting result

This is gonna be a short blog tonight as I don't have the heart to ramble on in excessive detail as I normally do. The short of it is: the "bad guys" won. The developers pretty much got what they wanted. If they don't feel that way, then they wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than 100%.

The good thing was my neighbor and new friend, Tony, was able to educate the Commissioners about his road easement and perhaps get language in the subdivision's conditions that protects his easement. We'll have to wait and see what the final language turns out to be.

After the Commissioners vote I have been bummed out the rest of the day. I spent all that effort to do the right thing and make things better for the neighbors and area only to be an annoyance to the developer and his henchmen (and henchwoman!) and to several Commissioners on some of the points I raised and ignored on the other points.

Odd as it sounds that is part of the reason I became a software engineer (or as it was called back when I started: "computer programmer"). I liked to solve problems and puzzles. But also I took pride in having a computer program make a person's life better or easier.

But after today's Commissioners vote I feel like I've loved and lost and been rejected. Ya, I know it is an over reaction, probably because of the intense effort I made the past week and less sleep than usual.

I guess I should go back to trapping gophers, pulling weeds, and herding cattle.

Oh yeah... cattle. Twice today, before the Commissioner meeting and then after, I had to herd some of the cattle out of the middle pasture back to the south pasture. The river level continues its steady drop and is becoming quite shallow in larger and larger areas. The area along the south/middle fence where the cattle drink from the river is very gradual and the river bottom shallow. It appears once some of the cattle drink, their head and front legs are just beyond the fence so they hang a right and go into the middle pasture.

The middle pasture is recovering nicely from the cattle these past weeks, but its grass is short. Either the cattle like the grass at that height else they want to go somewhere new. The hayfield has lots of tall green grass.

Anyway, tonight instead of doing chores I needed to be doing, I built a quick simple two strand fence on the river bank ten to twenty feet each side of the south/middle fence. Perhaps this will eliminate the idea of swinging around the end of the fence. I don't really mind the cattle in the middle pasture except they walk around and knock over all my gopher trap marking sticks. It took me a bit to find them all tonight. The cattle stepped on one pocket gopher trap breaking it. The good news is it was the one trap that was broken before and I can fix it.

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