Friday, March 17, 2006

Health Insurance - Bah!

Now that my cataract surgery is over, I am dealing with my health insurance company. I have health insurance through Assurant Health. The way they have their plans is to have PPOs for in-network and out-of-network health providers. My PPO is through Interwest Health.

Now I live in Montana but found out about my cataracts when visiting my mother in N. Dakota. As my cataracts were fast growing, and because I would have family to help me after the surgery I had the surgery in N. Dakota. I also checked with the clinic before the operation to see if they dealt with Assurant Health and Interwest Health. Yes.

Now when I get my bills Assurant tells me that I had my surgery out-of-network and therefore they will only pay 80%. The last bill also listed an amount they would not pay. Just an amount - not what or why. I called Assurant this morning to find out what they won't pay for and why. The woman told the amount was more than Assurant feels is reasonable. Therefore I am responsible for that amount. What?! The woman kept just repeating they wouldn't pay and it is my responsibility when I explained my situation. She also told me to talk with Interwest Health if I disagreed. It was like talking to a robot.

I checked the Interwest health's web site. They handle Montana, North and South Dakota residents and health providers. I looked up health providers in their network and the North Dakota clinic is part of their network. Okay... now tell me again why I am being told they are out-of-network?

I looked up optomotrists, ophthalmologists, and eye vision centers in Kalispell. None listed as part of their network. I noticed that the list of cities I can choose from include cities in Idaho, and the cities of Spokane and as far away as Seattle in Washington. So, again, why is Minot considered out-of-network?

I guess I'll be on the phone to Interwest Health later this afternoon.


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