Saturday, October 10, 2020

Re-shingling the garage roof - done

I finished re-shingling my garage just before dark on Thursday.  It went quicker than I expected, and quicker than things usually do. I was working to finish the work before Saturday, which is when the weather change and rain was predicted.  The weather changed and got colder, but no rain.  We only got a brief and light amount of moisture on Saturday, not enough to even get the pavement wet.

To be on the safe side I shingled as many rows as I could by standing on a ladder.  I was able to shingle almost ten rows standing on a stepladder. I would carry one shingle up to the roof along with four nails.  I would nail the shingle then go back to the ground to get another shingle and four nails.  So, slow going.  But a safer way to do the work.

After almost ten rows I then had to use an extension ladder. I got a few more rows done before I then had to step on the roof.  I held onto the rope to again be on the safe side.  By now I was carrying three, and sometimes four, shingles each time I went up the ladder to the roof.  Multiple shingles at a time picked up the pace. I would place the extra shingles under the tops of the nailed shingles to hold them in place.  Otherwise the shingle would slide down and off the roof.  The roof is steeper than what it looks like in the photos.

The size of the roof is 318+ square feet.  Ten bundles of shingles was predicted to cover 322 square feet.  Each shingle has three tabs. Due to the length of the roof about a third of a single tab was cut off and not used.  At the end I was one tab short of what I needed.  To make up for that one tab I nailed three of the one-third shares of tabs I had cut off earlier.  In the end very little was unused.

Even though I had the green old shingles still on the roof, I had a partial roll of felt from a previous shingle work I did some years ago.  And a roll of felt I bought at a garage sale years ago.  So I used a good portion of these felt rolls on this roof to use up the felt as this is the last shingle work I may ever need to do on my buildings' roofs.  The felt has lines so I used those lines to make sure I was shingling in a straight line.  I used a chalk line once and that was to lay the first roof of felt down.

To make a row of shingles be straight could be a challenge, especially in the lower half of the roof.  As you can see in the photos, the roof is bowed due to the age of the building.  I guess the age of the building is 80 years, or almost that long.

I think I did pretty well.  Once I got to the last row the line was only about an inch or two off from one side to the other side.  Not too noticeable unless you are really looking.

While the new shingles went over the roof top, I placed them under the previous shingle ridge.  After re-nailing the shingle ridge I got some roofing sealant I had and patched the cracks in the shingle ridge I had made when earlier I had removed the ridge nails and lifted the ridge up to slide the top of the new shingles under the ridge.

Another job done.

The re-shingled roof.  Looks better, doesn't it?

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