Thursday, October 22, 2020

Day after calf trip to auction

Today was a decent day.  I guess I could have hauled my calves to auction today instead of yesterday.  Nah.  I'm sure the roads were slick this morning.

I spent some hours this morning and onto over the noon hour adding some boards to the loading corral fence.  I have a small gate in the middle of the loading ramp area to try to hold the cattle towards the beginning of the ramp area while they decide whether they want to enter the stock trailer.  Sometimes it helps to put boards in the fence to stop the cows from backing up to the gate.  It is especially useful when it is calves, who are smaller.  It would be helpful to have more up-and-down boards in the fence that would hold the boards in place from fence to fence.  Today I added a few more up-and-down boards in three sections of the fence.

It may not look like much in the photo, but as a cow is shorter than a fence section, these boards may hold the cows in place and not give them much forward and backward movement when they want to back up.

Here are the four heifers I have weaned that are left to go to auction.  In a few days I'll start weaning the last three calves so they will be ready for auction next week.

While the temperature did get above freezing today, it wasn't much or for long enough.  So I didn't get the stock trailer cleaned.  A strong Winter storm is predicted to start tomorrow afternoon and last for a day. Then a number of days where the high temperature stays below freezing. So it doesn't look like the stock trailer will be cleaned anytime soon.

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