Friday, July 31, 2020

Hot and cloud

I've been trying finish spraying weeds on these hot days.  In the middle pasture, as I pulled most all of the remaining yarrow weeds, I thought I only had some weeds left to spray and that I could do that on one tank of herbicide.  Wrong!  The longest it ever took me to go through a tank of herbicide was 3 hours.  I thought maybe it could take me almost that long to go through the middle pasture.  It took me 4 hours and I only covered a third of the pasture.  I kept finding miscellaneous small weeds.  One here, one there.  I move irrigation pipes at 8 pm.  I didn't finish spraying until a little after 9 pm.  As a result I didn't finish moving irrigation pipes until after dark.

So yesterday I started spraying earlier.  Once again I found a number of small miscellaneous weeds.  It took me 3 1/2 hours this time.  Again I covered only a third of the pasture.  I got the irrigation lines moved on time this time.  Of course, after earlier I had noticed that this year I hadn't any sprinklers go bad, I had a sprinkler go bad.  I got it changed before dark.

Today was warmer than usual.  97 for a high temperature.  Since it was the last day of the month I also had some bicycle miles to ride to make my monthly goal.  By afternoon it was too hot to go and spray weeds.  I decided to delay spraying till tomorrow.

Last night I heard a cat fight.  I couldn't find where it happened.  Today Daisy has a minor limp on her front leg.  Since I didn't spray weeds we spent time together this afternoon.  This evening she is laying nearby instead of going outside for a little while like usual.

This evening I thought we possibly could get a rainstorm.  But no, just a cloud that passed by.

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