Thursday, May 10, 2018

Temporary corral panel damage

The cattle were at it again today.  The grass is greener.   They didn't want to wait a little longer for their next feeding.  Grass tastes better than hay.  Whatever the reason.

This evening when I came to give them more hay I saw they beat up and bent some of the corral panels.  Number 7 (Maria) of course.  When the other cattle came into the main corral for hay, Maria stayed at the corral panels.  Along with her calf who Maria was probably teaching bad things.

Over the years I learned to pound in a few metal t-posts to prevent the panels from being pushed out.  Then I learned to tie the panels to the t-posts with twine to prevent Maria from lifting the panels up.  Now this time Maria (and most likely help from other cows) lifted some panels up and pulled three t-posts out of the ground.  To move the panels back into place I had to untie the t-posts from the panels.

Once the panels were back in place and the t-posts were pounded back into the ground I added some field fence and small sections of chain link fence to the corral panels so the cows can no longer get their heads under the panels.  I have 80% to 90% of the panels covered with fencing.

It was raining again by the time I finished.  That is why the following photo is not a sharp.

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