Sunday, February 10, 2013

February storage auction

Saturday I attended another storage auction.  They were auctioning only one unit.   That is the way it has been lately - an occasional storage auction involving only one unit.  They are usually held at 9 am or 10 am.  Usually I skip them as it can be a bother to drive across the Valley for one auction early in the morning.  I went to this auction as it was nearby.

I arrived right at 10 am as they were opening up the gate to the storage unit business to let the people in.

Here are pretty much everyone who attended the auction.  Not a big crowd.  A couple dozen people?

The auctioneer (in blue) had trouble cutting the lock.  The lock was in the style shown below and it is difficult to get a good grip with the bolt cutter.  He and another guy worked on it for 5 minutes before finally cutting the lock.

The unit had lots of stuff.  Old furniture (behind the auctioneer), contractor tools, some toys, a decent sized telescope with stand, and a mish-mash of other stuff.  I saw a hand-made sign on one side of the storage unit with the words: storage sale.   This unit would have made an interesting unit for a Storage Wars TV show.

The storage unit was big.  The unit was the entire width of the building shown below.  It looked to be the size of two storage units placed end to end.  So it was hard to see what was in the back.  The guy with the light above had an advantage.

While we were at the auction the business closed the gate behind us.  The people were waiting for the gate to be opened when I arrived.  Another guy and I saw a side gate and I opened it and went through.  Everyone else followed.

There were only four or five people who bid.  The winning bidder got the unit for $1050.   Cash payment only.  We were out of there by 10:18 am.

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