Sunday, July 03, 2011

More on gate and pony

I still have the Shetland pony.  The animal control person has not called me yet with the owner's name.  Nor has anyone else come to claim the pony.  For now the pony wanders around the north pasture.

I finished my gate work and miscellaneous corral repairs that I had hoped to complete on Saturday.

Here is how I coped on Saturday with no extra person to help me hold the gate.  I used blocks of wood to support the gate while I took measurements and did the drilling for the bolts.

Here is part of the old gate I replaced.  Yup, strands of barb wire nailed to boards to provide support.

Here is my gate when completed.  It is a lot nicer than strands of barb wire!  The gate is 16 ft long.

Here is a view placing the gate in context to the hay shed and corral.  FYI: the gate on the right is the one my uncles Curt and Larry helped me install when they were here last month.

Here you can see how the fence, when rebuilt, will be moved four feet to align with the end of the hay shed. It is 64 ft from the gate to the hay shed.

Also, the horses have finally eaten most of the yard grass down and tonight, now that I completed the gate work, I let them into the NE pasture.  After a few days, once the "horse hockey" in the yard has dried somewhat, I will use the lawn mower to mow the odds and ends and clumps of grass the horses hadn't eaten down.  I did find that the horses moved a wire wrap around a very young nut tree in the back yard and ate the three or four leaves the tree had produced.  I have hope that the tree will come back and re-grow new leaves.

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