Saturday, March 01, 2008

Nothing day

Welcome to March. Here it is, coming in like a lamb. I guess that means it will go out like a lion.

The temperature, in the mid 40s F, is one of the warmest days of the year so far. With this warm of a temperature it should feel warm. But it doesn't feel warm. It feels cold. My mind and body are in conflict over this.

Today is a 'nothing' day. I just returned from a 15 mile bicycle ride. The sky is featureless. Officially the weather service claims the sky is clear. Really? Why don't I see blue sky? Where is the sun? No, the sky is cloudy in that no blue sky can be seen, but I'd be hard pressed to identify the clouds. Instead the sky is various hues of colors. The color of the sky is a blue/gray to a kind of white. The color depends on where one looks. The sky is a dull Spring sky. It is nothing.

Today is one of those 'filler' Spring days. It is not Winter, and it is not Summer. It is not even nice enough to be an uplifting Spring day with promises of warmth and greenery ahead. On days like this one feels nothing. It is not good or bad, happy or sad. This is a day that will be forgotten as it is just marking time to better days. It is a 'do nothing' day.

With nothing to do on days like this the best thing is to stay in bed. ...with the one you love. All day. Ahh.... that is how I should pass the day. Keep the curtains closed and ignore the weather. Let her distract me. With her smile. With her laugh. With her smell. With her touch. Let life be a mix of skin, and lingerie, and pillows, and bedsheets, and smiles. Physical activity divided by rest. Talk of what we have done; what we want to do; and what we should do next. Do something different.
  • "What do you want to do next?"
  • "How about...?"
  • "Do you like...?"
  • "Would you like to ...?"
  • "How does that feel?"
  • "How about this?"
Smile. Laugh. Love. Look into her eyes which are filled with light and joy and see her reactions and see the truth; and it is good. It is happy.

See her close her eyes. But her smile remains as she concentrates on my touch.

When it gets dark marvel how the day has quickly passed. "What about food?" Scrounge the cupboards for food and drink, and then return to bed. To eat and share the food we found. To kiss. To love.

What's the hurry? This is how one should spend a day like today. I have, and the memories are good.

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