Monday, January 01, 2024

Hay from Donna

Since Donna's daughter and husband are moving back to the Flathead soon they brought some more stuff.  I hadn't written about their adventure bringing stuff in their horse trailer to their new house on Christmas Day, but Donna and I spent four hours helping them after they jack-knifed on their way up the mountain to their house.  No Christmas meal on that day.

Today went well.  They brought some of their small hay bales in their horse trailer.  This time the bales went to Donna's place.  Donna has a shelter where the bales can be stored out of the elements.  Donna had a half dozen old hay bales still in the shelter.  Those bales got moved and also came apart.  Instead of letting them go to waste they gave those bales to me to feed to my cattle.  I picked them up using a pitchfork this afternoon.

I put some of the hay into the feeders in the corral so the cattle can eat the hay tomorrow morning.  I also went into the north pasture and gave the cattle some hay as they have mostly eaten their large hay bale.

In the north pasture I noticed Haynes had flipped the salt feeder again.  I hadn't gotten around to wiring the feeder to metal posts.  Since I am done with my fence work, tomorrow I will wire the feeder to the posts.

I hadn't unloaded the hay from the pickup yet when I went to put the feeder back into place.  Haynes saw me and came over.  He didn't like me messing with his plaything.  I had to stand the feeder on one end and push it against his head before he turned to the pickup to check out the hay.

Later I checked on the metal hay feeder.  Days ago I mentioned I had to move the feeder away from the fence and broken fence post.  When I next went to put out a large hay bale I saw Haynes had pushed that feeder to the fence again.  This time to a different spot.  At least he didn't break the fence post in this spot.   So when I checked on the feeder this afternoon I expected the feeder to be against the river fence again, or maybe in the spot where the cattle walk to the river to drink.  I was surprised to find the feeder pushed to the side and not towards the river.  Tomorrow I'll see where the feeder is located.

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