Friday, January 05, 2024

Haynes pushing once gain

Haynes... Haynes... Haynes.   

Once again he pushed a metal feeder.  Today I put another large hay bale out in the north pasture.  I looked over to the middle pasture.  I didn't see the feeder.  I had to go over and look around.  I found the feeder once again pushed down the bank by the river where Haynes has first started pushing the feeder a month ago.

I didn't have my camera with me, but here is the photo from a month ago when he first pushed the feeder.  This time the feeder was found to the left of where this photo shows the feeder.  Closer to the river.   Some branches I had left on the ground stopped the feeder.  The starting point of the feeder was farther from the river, but Haynes kept pushing until he almost got the feeder to the river.  He puts some effort into it.  I don't know what is up with Haynes and why he is trying to push the feeder into the river.   He has tons of ways he could push the feeder but 90% of the time it is towards the river.

Today the hay bale went where Haynes had pushed that feeder east of the band of trees.  So I hope that ends him trying to push that feeder towards the river.  We'll see.

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