Friday, October 07, 2022

Into the hayfield

This afternoon I let the cattle into the hayfield to eat.  I wanted to wait until after we had a big freeze as I thought that may make alfalfa safer for cattle to eat. But I just read...  maybe not.  Anyway, the pastures are eaten down pretty good and it is time to let the cattle go into the hayfield.

After giving the cattle a pail of apples I let them into the hayfield.  When I first opened the gate they stood and watched me.  I think they thought it would just be me going through a gate and not them.  But when I opened the gate wide and stood there Panda and Speckles realized what was up and came over and through the gate.  Then the other cattle came quickly.  I wish I had my camera then as some cattle came running.  Fast.  So fast their front and back legs were far apart.  Just like a horse when it is at full gallop.

The cattle are very happy.  Most calves are still in the corral.  When the cattle are just outside the corral fence the calves call out for their mothers.

Initially before letting the cattle into the hayfield, they looked "off".  I counted and recounted as I thought maybe it was because not all were there.  They were.  Then I realized why they looked "off" was because Mama was not there.

I got the initial auction report.  Mama weighed 910 pounds and sold for 65.5 cents a pound.  Not the highest amount as cows are now selling - roughly - from 60 to 90 cents a pound. Some sell for more and some sell for less.  But a good amount for Mama as she is not the best breed or weight for hamburger.  Last year when I sold the two cows I got 57 and 59 cents pound.  And that was at the high end as the top price back then was around 65 cents a pound.

The heifer sold for a good price of $1.90 a pound.   The heifer was a touch over half the weight of Mama, but then sold for over $300 more than Mama did.

One steer - at 510 pounds - sold for $1.90 a pound.  Two steers - heavier at 633 pounds - sold for $1.77 a pound.  One steer - I think Mama's steer - did not make the sale list.  So it sold for less.  I will find out once I get the check.

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