Thursday, February 21, 2019

Frozen hydraulics again

Today my tractor hydraulics quit again.  They worked after I started the tractor.  I drove out to attach the bucket so I could clear snow for a new metal feeder location.  Then the hydraulics quit working.

I drove the tractor back to the pole shed parking spot.  With the tractor running I placed a small space heater under the tractor.  Then I went out and by hand shoveled the deep snow to make a large spot to move the metal feeder.  A little over a half hour later I came back and tried the tractor's hydraulics.  They worked.  I was able to move a large hay bale out for the cattle who were waiting patiently in the corral having finished the one small hay bale I had given them in the meantime.  It was dark by the time I finished.

This afternoon I also shoveled and raked the manure and wet straw from the area under the barn's lean-to roof.  I put down another bale of dry straw for the calves and Speckles to lay on.  If the cattle only would use a bathroom place other than where they lay - it would make my life easier and their resting area better.

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