Sunday, March 08, 2015

Piss and Vinegar

Late this afternoon it looked like the horned steer was standing inside the metal hay feeder. I walked over and found the steer and another calf standing inside the feeder. Tromping on the hay. 

As I walked through the corral to the feeder the other calves ran over to me and began jumping around.

"Hey, how come they are in the feeder?"  "Why can't I go in the feeder?"  "Oh boy!  They are in trouble now!"

I chased the two calves out of the feeder.   Then I tossed out the two piles of manure they had left behind in the hay.

This is the broken feeder and once the hay was down to level of the ring the two calves slipped though the broken part to get into the feeder.  I got some extra wire and wired the broken parts of the feeder to the corral fence.  That should stop this kind of behavior.

The calves were all worked up.  They ran and jumped around me whenever I walked around the corral.  As I wired up the feeder several tried to rub their head against my body.

"Shoo!  Shoo!   Go away!!"

Daisy must have heard me cuss up a blue streak as she then showed up and came into the corral.  The next I knew she was on top of the fence above me and the feeder.   Supervising.

When I finished and left the corral  the calves turned their attention from me towards Daisy.  The calves couldn't reach Daisy on top of the fence but then there was the gate in the fence and Daisy needed to get to the ground to get around the gate.  The calves all stood below the railroad tie Daisy sat on.  Eventually the calves lost interest and Daisy was able to get down and come over to me.

Just now I called for Daisy to come in the house.  Yup, on the house roof again.  I had to reach up and lift her down.

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