Friday, June 06, 2014

Primary election

Once again Tammy and I served as election judges.  That meant an early start to the morning as we, and the four other election judges, set up the polling place before the polls opened at 7 am.  The polls closed at 8 pm and then we had to take down the polling place and put everything away and deliver the ballots and results to the election headquarters.  Our group is experienced and we finished at 9 pm.

This was our first election after the redistricting due to the 2010 census.  It appears our precinct shrank in the number of registered voters.  Our register of registered voters seemed smaller and we had to redirect 30 to 40 voters to a neighboring precinct to vote, many of these people were voters we recognized from previous elections.

We had no problems or crises.  We had few voters (only 134), even for a primary election on a non-presidential election year.  This was especially noticeable after our previous election where we had so many voters we ran out of ballots.   We were bored quite often during this election.

Around 7 pm, an hour before the polls closed, a rainstorm moved in.  The clouds looked intense and many clouds moved in an unusual direction.

We even had some graupel and small hail.

Fortunately the rain quit by the time we loaded the election material in the car and returned to the election headquarters.

Daisy was outside from the time we got up before 5 am until we got home.  Even though I left food and water outside for her she was very happy to come inside the house.

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