Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Fling expo

Today Tammy held her first big expo here in Kalispell.   She rented the Country Kitchen building at the fairgrounds to hold an expo for local home based direct selling businesses.

The County Kitchen building is the smallest of the the four main buildings one can rent at the fairgrounds.

We came up with a layout to hold 38 vendors and she found enough vendors to fill all the spaces.  A few weeks ago we even set up a few tables as a practice to ensure that my layout on paper would work and still have enough room for everyone.

Friday afternoon Tammy and I went to the building and set up all the tables and chairs and got everything ready.  Tammy set up her table for Tastefully Simple so she would be ready this morning to help everyone else.

A half dozen vendors were already waiting at the building Saturday morning when Tammy and I arrived at 8 am.

We ended up with 35 vendors as three vendors had family emergencies at the last minute and were unable to attend.

Everyone was set up and ready by 10 am. The start was slow but it then picked up and the attendance was fairly steady until we closed at 4 pm.   Some vendors started to pack up and leave at 20 minutes to 4 pm which annoyed Tammy.  She wanted everyone to be there for the last minute shoppers.  Overall I think the vendors did well.

Also at the fairgrounds the state wrestling tournament was being held all day over at the Trade Center building.

The fairgrounds has a poor layout of roads and buildings and generally it is confusing to find buildings.  Toss in the wrestling tournament at the Trade Center and all the crazy parking and it was difficult for people (and even for a few of our vendors) to find our building in the middle of the fairgrounds.  We had people at our building looking for the tournament and we had people at the tournament looking for our event.

Yup. We are located way down near the end of this road.

Tammy and I are working on having better signs.  We had gotten a couple of old sandwich board signs from Michelle. Last night I painted over the old words.  I had to bring the signs into the house overnight so they would dry by the morning.  I had no time to paint words on the sign this morning so I took a large magic marker and wrote the word EXPO on the signs.  Not perfect - but it will do until we come up with permanent wordage.

Here is the entrance to the fairgrounds.  The entrance is by the trade center (the building on the right side).

The layout at the start.

More views from different corners of the room.

One of the vendors (Tridagam) sold board games.  Lots of board games. While Tammy's expo was a "women's" expo, it was called that because most products were more interesting to women than men.  Yet, Tridagam did well and sold a number of games.  Women like playing board games too.

Tammy's new display layout.  I built a few small boxes, and with a few boards I had in my scrap wood pile, I came up with a two level display.  Tammy bought another table cloth to provide more color.  She seems happier with her new display layout now, though when I was trying to design and built it she wasn't interested in it.

All in all it was a successful expo and everyone seemed please with the outcome.

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