Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Leaving for Tacoma

My girlfriend Tammy and I are leaving now to drive to Tacoma, Washington to visit my relatives, and also to hold a Homemade Gourmet party on Friday for Rachel, my former insurance agent who lives near Seattle.

We will be there only for a few days as I have 8 heifers in my corral.  I left plenty of hay and water for them and my neighbor will check on them when we are gone.  I have a second water trough and I got it out and cleaned it.  I found a small cut in the bottom of the metal tank and I decided to use some waterproof glue to seal the cut.

Last night I finished my rebuild of the feeder next to the barn and put hay in it.  Hay is in their regular feeder and I tossed bale after bale this morning into the round feeder I recently bought.   All this hay should last the cattle almost a week, more than enough time.

The cattle were looking at me strangely this morning as my behavior and all this hay and water is something new.

I hope all continues to go well and the heifers behave while I am gone.

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