Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yard Sale: Day 2

My yard sale is over.  Yee haw!

We finished the sale a short time before the rain came.  We planned to go until 4 pm but when a few scattered rain drops fell after 3:30 pm we started to pack up.  It didn't start raining in earnest until 7 pm.

Rain is good as the grass had dried up before the sale.  Add in the stress of people walking and cars driving on my front lawn and my lawn needed attention after the sale was over.

I expected more people on Saturday than Friday but that wasn't the case.  I don't know why.  Maybe it was because it was the second day.  Maybe it was because of the weather.  We woke Saturday morning to an overcast sky and cold temperatures.  The temperature was 42 degrees when we went outside to set up around 8:30 am.  The warmest the day got was 66 degrees.  The sun tried to break through the clouds at times in the afternoon.  Tammy sat with a blanket all day and had hot chocolate several times to warm up.  August in Montana.  Where's global warming when you need it?

I sold plenty of stuff but I also had plenty of stuff left.  I was able to sell a number of bulky oddly shaped stuff which was good as it was a pain to store them.

Some odd stuff I sold:
  • my Australian hat with wooden pegs hanging from strings all around the hat to keep the flies away from one's face,
  • an old trunk I planned to toss on the burn pile but put out anyway for the sale.  Tammy put a "make offer" sticker on the trunk and one guy offered $5 for the trunk.   Sold!
  • My life-sized cutout poster of Marilyn Monroe that I had from my apartment in Rochester, MN,
  • most of my dad's old RV stuff from when he sold RVS in the early 70s,
  • several large ugly hanging lamps from the house.  A neighbor lady brought the ugly green lamp for her son who loves the "70s" look,
  • miscellaneous oars I had found along the river over the years.   The woman who bought them said her kids float the rivers and constantly are losing oars,
  • the two boxes of wine bottles I had saved over the years for when I would learn to make my own wine.  I'm sure I'll save enough bottles by the time I'll ever learn to make wine.
One guy clued Tammy in the first day of the sale about all the copper and brass plumbing fittings that I had for sale.  He told Tammy I'd get more money selling them at a recycling place than at the yard sale.

One family said they would buy the bundle of insulation and would be back once they visited the bank to get cash.  I offered to take a check but they said they had to come back with a pickup anyway so they would bring cash then.  They never came back.

That's it for the year.  I do have more buildings and rooms to go through and I am sure I'll have enough stuff for a sale next year.

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