Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Geese wakeup call

Over the weekend a couple geese decided to wake me up.  Each day around 7 am they would stand outside my bedroom and honk loudly.  And I mean.. loudly!

The first day I rolled over and went back to sleep.  The second morning I looked outside to see one goose standing outside my window furiously honking towards the house.  When I started to move away from the window the goose flew up and landed on the roof over the bedroom and began walking around and honking making a loud racket.

After a bit I went outside to find the goose walking on one of the house peaks.  It flew off when it saw me and went over to join another goose in the hayfield.  It then stood there looking at me and honking.  As I moved about the yard it would watch me.


I thought it perhaps it was getting revenge for me walking down by the river and their home.  But I tend to avoid areas I think they are at as I believe it is nesting season.

Maybe they were trying to tell me that Timmy needed help.  He had fallen down a well or something.

Then I heard the sounds of wild turkeys in the direction of the river.  Ah... they wanted me to chase the other birds away.

Nope.  You got to sort it out among yourselves.

After a bit they started to wander around the hayfield and the last I saw of them they were walking towards the river.

The past few mornings they have left me alone.

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