Thursday, October 22, 2009

Northwestern Bell

When going through my mom's stuff today I came across an old card from Northwestern Bell to sign up for a telephone credit card.  Judging from our address (which I blocked out), the card was sent prior to 1979 (but after  May 2, 1967 when the 1-800 numbers were originated).

What is interesting are the two 1-800 numbers, depending on if you were calling from Iowa or the rest of the U.S.   I forgot that was common when 1-800 numbers were first started.  I wonder if it was because Northwestern Bell was incorporated as a company in Iowa?

A search of the general 1-800-247-5454 number turns up nothing for me.   A search on a 1-800 lookup site for the Northwestern Bell name turns up a different 1-800 number, while Anywho (apparently part of the  company) says:
You have reached an outdated page on the AnyWho site - please retry your search.
You'd think the company would know the Northwestern Bell number.

This card is postage paid. Since Northwestern Bell no longer exists as a company under that name as it is now part of Qwest, I wonder what would happen if I mailed the card?

I guess I'll never know.  The garbageman comes tomorrow.

By the way, here is the building located at 100 S. 19th St in Omaha.