Wednesday, October 16, 2024


My younger, now larger, walnut tree produced walnuts for the first time this year.  21 walnuts.   Much less than what my other walnut tree produced before the Winter freeze got to it.

Normally I have to pick the walnuts off the tree but this year the 52 mph wind gusts knocked most of them off for me.

I didn't wait to shell them from the green husks or breaking the hard brown shells.  This year the walnuts were a little different.  I don't know if it was because this was the first time for this tree, or if the hot/cold quick temperature change this Spring which affected lots of other trees and plants did a number on the walnuts, or if I didn't wait long enough before I broke their shells, but the walnuts inside the shell were smaller and soft.  Oh well, I still ate them.   And the brown shells were harder.  A nutcracker wouldn't work.  I had to use a hammer to break the shells.

On to the next year for walnuts.

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