Friday, October 11, 2024

Corral and loading corral

This afternoon I finally finished painting the barn.  More on that in another post once I get photos taken of the new paint job.

I had time left so I got the chainsaw and trimmed the railroad ties in front of the loading corral.  Some of the ties were a bit longer so I evened them out.  I have spikes in the ties and into the ground holding the ties in place, so I didn't trim the ties any shorter.   Next year I'll try to remember to move some dirt to make the other trailers be a little taller.

I had more time available and I got the lawnmower out and mowed the weeds down in the corral.  The cows earlier had eaten what they wanted off the weeds, then the weeds died.  The look did not appeal to me.

I used my rake to flip the manure in half the yard.  I need more time for the manure to completely dry before mowing to even out the grass height in the yard.  At least the yard looks better than the tall weeds did in the corral.

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