And I am juggling a few balls in the air.
- Today I spent an hour on the phone with several workers at Mom's former medigap insurance company. They owe mom for some home health aide bills. Today I learned that they did get the papers I had sent them September 2008. Since December they had been claiming they had not gotten the papers. They claimed they sent me a letter in October 2008 - which I never received - turning the reimbursement down. When I asked for more data I was instead told they would forward my information to another claim representative for review and that would take two more weeks. *argh*
- I just learned my health insurance premium would be increased by 29%. Today I met with my insurance agent about switching to another plan. The good news there is another company/plan that is cheaper. The bad news is going through the application process again.
- I also chatted about home owners insurance and started the ball on getting an estimate from them.
- I paid my car insurance premium. I have a new agent whom I met for the first time. The person in the agent's office whom I always deal with was on her honeymoon as she had just gotten married. I am a bit bummed as she never mentioned her upcoming marriage when I was chatting with her after paying my pickup insurance premium in December. The new agent went on a sales pitch for me to increase my car coverage and get their home owners insurance and other insurance and other financial services from them.
- All this insurance talk and horror stories of what could happen without the right insurance certainly didn't help my mood.
- My new insurance agent is attractive and had no rings on her hands. She did tell me that she used to help her father with cattle back in Texas and enjoyed it. Oh? But she was focused on work and the conversation went back to insurance. I was thrown for a loop as I didn't imagine her being a cattle person and I needed time to absorb that information.
To further show my being "out of sync" lately, she turned out to be younger than I subconsciously thought. I know, a bad thing to think. Maybe I thought she was older as she was the business owner and all insurance business owners I have dealt with in the past have been older. Maybe I was hoping she was closer in age to me. Anyway she had said she decided to make a life change before she turned 40 and made the change when she was 37. She took over the insurance business in 2008. Montana is a long way from Texas.
- I turned in my ag property application renewal. I hadn't a copy of the last application from a few years ago and had questions. The ag assessor was gone for the day but another woman in the office helped and was very friendly. Every so often she would call me 'dear' or 'hon' or something like that which threw me as she didn't seem to be older than me. It's not bad but I am not used to it. To complete the ag application I had to fill out another form I didn't need to fill out except I needed to fill it out to complete the ag application. Bureaucracy.
I still left a note for the ag assessor as this woman couldn't answer whether I should check yes or no for one of the questions.
I learned the assessor's office was behind in sending out to all the ag property owners the satellite photos and ag property descriptions for verification. Apparently this has not been done for decades now. I was told, and it was on the news, we would be getting the info in December. Guess not. The last time another government agency did something similar they had the wrong info for the ranch and I had to get it corrected. - I called and spoke with Sue Ann's friend. The conversation seemed to go well. We didn't finish our conversation as she had to keep a promise to her son to do something with him. Supposedly she will call me as she needs help with her computer. So I am kind of in a limbo waiting state.
- I am going to North Dakota in February to visit my brother and work more on mom's stuff. Amtrak has a fare sale going on right now and I had to purchase my tickets by tomorrow to get the sale price. I purchased the tickets tonight. I ended up buying the return ticket too to get the sale price. I hate locking in dates in the future. I don't know how much time I will need so I don't know if I'll be twiddling my thumbs by the end of my North Dakota visit or whether I need more time.
- And I have more dry dull stuff to do before I go to North Dakota and I seem to be putting them off.
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