Saturday I found the collection of what I thought were mostly large squash were actually mostly large pumpkins. I had picked them last September before going to North Dakota and placed them in my basement. Over the winter they have turned from green to orange. They are ripe and ready for use.
I don't know where my mind was at when I was cutting up the pumpkins to cook for my second batch as I suddenly realized I was throwing away the pumpkin seeds. Ah-yi-yi!

I have enough pumpkins left for one to two more batches. Not all of them are completely orange so I plan to wait a bit before cooking the rest of them. It takes time to cook and process them. It takes several hours of cutting up the pumpkins to fill my large pot.
Now to make pumpkin bread, pie, soup, and whatever else I can make.
Cooking the pumpkin paste and using a colander to process it was bittersweet as it brought back memories of Denise. It was she who introduced me to cooking up pumpkins and using a colander many, many years ago. She loved pumpkin pie. I am using her colander now as she gave it to me before she died knowing well that I would use and treasure it.
Here are a couple of photos taken last year when I processed my pumpkins.
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