Dominic is from London, England and was on a bicycle tour from Washington, D.C. to Seattle, Washington - coast to coast. A long cross country bicycle trip. While he has been on a number of bicycle tours this was his first in the U.S.
Making it more interesting to me was that he had ridden through North Dakota and then across Montana on the HiLine. I had bicycled from Tacoma, Washington to North Dakota on much of the same route he was taking. My tour was in 1979 - 29 years prior. Wow! Time flies. So it was interesting to talk with him about his adventures and find out what has changed.
The equipment available now is so much more than my early tours. Lycra clothing for example. And he had a GPS unit for a bicycle computer. All the maps he needed were on it. Far different than when I would look for maps when I crossing into a new state. And he had a laptop computer for communication and a solar panel on his bicycle to charge batteries. My communication home was postcards and an occasional long distance phone call. How did I manage back then?!

We had a nice chat before he was off again.
Dominci's blog entry where he met me: click here. It appears I am not much of a rancher as it seems me being a former IBM engineer made more of an impression on him.
You know, it is a small world as Dominic had met and ridden with other bicyclists across Montana. One of those bicyclists' blogs talked about their bicycling adventures across North Dakota including a visit to my hometown. There they met Harold. Harold is a person I inspired to go on bicycle tours after he read about my bicycling adventures in the local newspaper. I'll have to look up Harold when I am back in North Dakota again.
Dominic has a job as an illustrator. His other blog, with photos of his work, can be found here.

Hi Cliff,
Sorry for the brief mention on the blog, it was a long day in the saddle and all I wanted to do was to fall asleep. So I kept that day's entry short. I loved reading your blog, many interesting things going on in your part of the world, keep it up!
No problem with your blog entry about me. I realize brevity is a trade off versus writing nothing at all. And with all that one does and has to do on a long distance bicycle tour, blogging often is a luxury and admired when accomplished.
I enjoyed reading your blog and adventures on your tour and am glad to learn you arrived in Seattle in time. Look me up if you ever come through Glacier again.
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