I decided to clear some snow before breakfast and I didn't come inside to eat breakfast until after 1 pm. I had cleared the snow that fell after I cleared some of the driveway on Friday, plus I cleared a little more.
After breakfast I went over to Bob and Jan's house to clear snow for them. They have someone who plows their driveway so that was already cleared. They wanted me to shovel the snow off their deck as Bob was worried about the snow's weight on it. I also cleared their sidewalks on both sides of their house and put their Christmas tree back into their garage for next year. Jan is under the weather from the flu or something and Bob has his mobility problems. Afterward Jan made me some home made soup.
Their cat wanted to go outside but with all the snow there is no place for it to go. Several pheasants were in their trees which surprised me though it makes sense with all the snow. Bob said the previous day all they could see was a pheasant's tail poking up out of the snow as it searched for something to eat.
I don't have my driveway completely cleared as I ran out of time and energy at the end of the day. I only have eight fence sections (64 ft) left. I do have a path cleared so I can walk to the road.
I will finish clearing the driveway Sunday. Then guess what? The forecasters are predicting snow to start again Sunday night and maybe lots of it.

This is getting old.

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