Friday, October 13, 2017


Yesterday morning and this morning I woke up to some snow covering the grass.  Both days the snow had melted by mid morning.

Each day I had been putting out some of the loose hay to supplement the calves.

In addition this morning, due to the snow covering much of the grass, I tossed three and a half bales over the fence into the hayfield to supplement the cows until the snow melted.  Since I was tossing the small bales on the ground and not in a feeder, and I was curious if the cows would eat the old hay I got from Donna, I tossed that old hay.  Looks like they ate it all.

I had three piles of hay and all the other cows wouldn't let Sugar eat with them.  So I got some of the apples and fed her through the fence far enough away that the other cows didn't realize what we were doing.

The bull is doing good.  The previous owners had named him "Charlie".  Neither Donna nor Dan like that name for a bull.  I think of "Charlie the tuna" so I am not fond of the name for a bull.  This afternoon I was talking with Jan.  Her son has a black cat named "Tobey".   Since the new bull is shorter than Buddy, "Tobey" seems to fit as I imagine a person named "Tobey" as being short.  Or maybe I am thinking of Tobey Maguire who played Spider-Man in a few movies.  So I am leaning to calling the bull, "Tobey".

I also finally lit my wood stove last night.  It has been cold and damp outside the past few days.  Yesterday outside temperature was 43 degrees at the high.  Inside the house it was 49.9 degrees.  Even for me that was getting a little chilly.

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