Monday, January 04, 2016

Snow on mountains, etc.

It appears to have finally stopped snowing.  Yesterday I finally finished shoveling the snow off the driveway and yard.

The last couple of weeks in 2015 my bicycle's front tire leaked air.  At first I only had to add air every three to four days. Then every two days.  Then the last half week, every day.  Over the weekend I patched the inner tube.  My first attempt didn't stop the leak.  So I took my time, and several days, on my second attempt and that appears to have solved the problem.  The cause of the leak?  I found a very thin wire sticking though the inside of my tire.  It looks to be from a wire brush.  Over the Summer, in the backyard, I had used a wire brush to clean one of the cattle water troughs.  I had to use pliers to remove the wire from the tire.  That thin of a wire going through the tire is like a straw driven through a board by tornado winds.

Moved another bale of hay for the cattle today.  I am getting better at scraping the snow.  Very little dirt gouged today.  When I let the cattle out of the corral to go to the bale tonight one of the cows was walking slow.  I couldn't see a limp.  Also in the dark I couldn't tell if it was the same cow that was walking slow a week or so ago.

This afternoon's view after the inversion weakened.

Far mountains are in Glacier Park

Here a photo of Lake McDonald from the Glacier Park Apgar Mountain webcam today.  Notice the temperature was 33.8 F on top of the mountain.  In the Valley, under the inversion, we barely made it up into the 20s F.

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