Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fall stump smash pepper

A cold front came through Saturday evening and the full effect was felt Sunday. I didn't get much done Sunday. The warmest it got was 60 degrees. The wind blew. Off-and-on it would sprinkle rain briefly. The wind took some leaves from a few of my trees.


The day wasn't good for painting. I decided to try spraying one tank of herbicide on the weeds in the south pasture. That didn't go well as after 2/3s of the herbicide was sprayed it began to rain for real. I took shelter under and behind a large pine tree. I kept dry and didn't get too cold. The wind blew harder and moved around slightly so I had to move around also to try to keep out of the wind.

So much for spraying herbicide.

I decided to retrieve my pail of water I had left back when I had a bonfire on several tree stumps. I took my shovel along to fill in the holes left. I took an ax along as one stump had a side root that didn't burn.

I filled the first stump hole in with no problem. The second stump was a different story. I found the stump had burned down to below ground level and to where the stump separated into multiple tree roots. The more I dug the more tree roots I found. The stump hadn't been larger than normal but the roots were numerous and covered a large area.

I ended up digging and chopping almost half the roots from the ground. I dug to a depth of my waist when I stood in the large hole. Even though I tossed the dirt where I thought there were no roots, a few times I had to move some of that dirt because the roots went there.

I scraped/smashed my finger during the dig.

I dug on the tree roots for over three hours. I lost track of time. I came back to the house when it was getting dark only to remember the weather forecast was for it to freeze tonight. It is down to 37 degrees currently. I had to cover some of my garden. If I can make it through the next few nights the forecast is for it to warm up again.

I picked a few garden items. I was surprised to find some animal (a mouse most likely) ate the bottom off my largest green bell pepper. And also the seeds inside the pepper.

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