Monday, May 18, 2009

Gophers again

The weather this weekend was fabulous. It was so nice the gophers were active. The same old "a few old holes reopened and traps avoided" situation. But... I did catch a gopher in a trap that had not seen activity in a long, long time.

I also put out my seven pocket gopher traps. Since I have harrowed the hayfield it is much easier to find new dirt mounds. With this recent warm weather the grass finally has started growing, but it is still short.

I started from the hayfield's north end and worked my way back and forth across the field to the south, and this took a while to do. I was a little surprised not to find any new dirt mounds until I got to where I had left off trapping last year. This is great but I had expected the gophers to have spread back to the north. So it appears three fourths of the hayfield is gopher free. Maybe there is hope of ridding the hayfield of pocket gophers this year?

I am so far ahead of the game with gophers this year I can't believe it. I must be missing something.

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