Sunday, October 12, 2008


While it tried to snow yesterday morning, this morning the snow stuck. It is not a lot of snow - unlike the almost 20 inches in Billings, MT and other eastern Montana places. But we have enough snow to make the grass white with some green. It is late afternoon and the snow is now partially melted. (It took long enough!) It is not quite mid October, and for some places the earliest snow on record. So much for global warming. It is cold, cloudy, damp and depressing here.

I am waiting for warmer weather before working on the walls further. I have all the mud, sanding and smoothing done. I have the priming and painting left and I wonder if I will able to complete it before I return to Montana. Between needing warmer weather and all the other stuff I have left to do I am running out of time.

To get rid of the dust from the sanding of the walls I vacuumed and cleaned all the dust on the house's main floor - dust both from the sanding and from since I cleaned this past Spring.

Before the cooler weather arrived my brother placed plastic on the outside over a number of the house windows.

Other stuff has been going on. Mundane stuff which I won't bore you with.

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