Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bicycling in the New Year

After my efforts to reach my bicycling mileage goal for 2006 I decided to take a break from bicycling for a few days. While the temperature had risen above freezing, making it more pleasant to bicycle, my decision was helped by the strong winds and snow covered roads. Or I should say wet sloppy snow covered roads as the snow was rapidly melting in the 40 F temperatures.

But today I was back on a bicycle. Two days of no bicycling, and of no other physical activity, I started to get antsy again. I need physical activity if I don't have some short term goal to occupy my energies. Since reaching my bicycle mileage goal for 2006 I have no immediate goals. Watching lots of movies doesn't count.

So off I bicycled.

The streets were wet but mostly free of snow. For the isolated areas of wet slushy snow I had to resist the kid in me and try not to ride through that slush to splash and make tire tracks. I failed as I rode through the slush more often than avoiding it.

The bicycle trail along the Souris River was dry as it had been cleared of snow earlier and I rode on it. Another bicycle trail along the Country Club road had not been cleared and was snow covered so I took another route. The reason the Souris River trail had been cleared may be due to being in town and also used by dog walkers as a dog park is at the west end of the trail. Several dog walkers were out on the trail.

The temperature was warm as it was around 40 F, but the wind was stiff and slowed me greatly. I doubt I had gotten so 'rusty' after only two days of not riding. I was right as when I turned around to go home I rode at twice my earlier speed as the wind was now at my back.

20 miles. Well, that's a start for the year. Just a few thousand more miles to ride before 2007 is over.

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