Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Again the cattle break the patio fence

The cattle broke the fence I just fixed.  You can see that this time they tried to drag the fence off.  They also made more of an effort to get into the patio but couldn't push their way through all the crap inside the patio.

This time I wrapped barb wire around the main support boards and lashed them to the patio posts.  That should do the trick in holding them in place until I can rebuild the fence some day.

I also wrapped barb wire around a few other sections of this old decrepit fence as it looked like the cattle were abusing those sections also.

I think that with this recent hot weather that the cattle are just trying to scratch and rub on things to get rid of excess hair.  Some cattle are still working on shedding the last of their winter coats.  I also notice with this hot weather they are taking longer siestas and move to be in shade when taking a break from eating.

On another note, I have a mama turkey with her two large kids living in my pastures down by the river.  The last few days they rose up from the tall grass and ran off when I unknowingly walked near them.

It appears the Columbia ground squirrel gophers that I had eradicated from my pastures may have come back.  While spraying weeds in the north pasture on Monday I found a cluster of holes in one of their old stomping grounds, and another cluster along the fence line with my neighbor. I think these are new holes and not holes that I could have overlooked after eradicating them a few years ago. On a typical year they go underground for the rest of the year starting in mid July.  So I didn't set any traps for them.  Instead I used a shovel to fill their hole openings with dirt.  If any holes get reopened then I know they are still active and can set traps for them.

Lastly in the middle pasture I found another tree blown over into another tree.  I think it happened during the brief windstorm on Saturday.  Before my Uncle Curt can again comment that soon my place will be known as "No Pines" instead of Tall Pines, I also spotted a few new pine trees starting to grow.  I'll have to put something around them before letting the cattle into those pastures as the cattle will try to eat anything that looks edible.

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