Friday, December 23, 2022

More snow and a tractor problem

More snow again today and through tomorrow.  Just what we need.   So it was annoying to drive uptown this afternoon to get groceries as the roads didn't seem to be plowed and were snowed covered a lot.  I didn't want to wait to get groceries on Saturday like I usually do as stores close early on Christmas Eve.   Apparently other people thought the same as the traffic was heavy and the store's parking lot was the fullest I ever since, along with the most people shopping in the store I had to encounter and move around.  People were everywhere.  I brought Donna along as her car has problems and I wanted to buy the needed ingredients for our Christmas dinner.   This year Donna thought about making enchiladas for the Christmas meal which I thought was a great idea.   I like my Christmas meal being something different than normal.  As for me I cooked a turkey for supper tonight.  I love eating turkey.  So the best of both worlds (meals) for me this holiday season.  And I feel stuffed right now after my meal.

It is getting warmer.  Last night's low temperature was -26 F.  Right now it is 0 F outside.  And tomorrow we are suppose to reach the teens.   This morning's house temperature was 43 F.  So the house is getting warmer also.

My frostbitten finger has a fluid filled blister that formed by morning.  I'm trying not to break the blister which can be hard when it is on one's finger.  Last year I must have gotten a frostbitten finger as I had a fluid filed blister.  I forgot about it until Donna reminded me.

My thumb has no blister. The skin is a little numb. It doesn't ache by morning.

I checked one of the glove pairs I had worn.  Gee.. where the frostbit areas are located, on the gloves it was worn and open.  I burnt the gloves in the wood stove tonight.

Time to put out another large hay bale for the cattle this afternoon.  I started the tractor and drove it out of the pole shed so the tractor could run and warm up without the diesel smoke dirtying the roof.  In the meantime I shoveled the snow where the bale would go.  I had to shovel a new area as the cattle had left manure on the area where the previous bale was located.  And once again I had to clear the snow off the bale I planned to give to the cattle even though I had to clear snow off that bale yesterday.

When I went back to the tractor I found it had stopped.  And I couldn't start it again.  It seemed like it wasn't getting any diesel to the engine.  I couldn't even prime the engine.  I believe the diesel gelled up in the cold weather.  I thought maybe adding new diesel to the fuel tank would help.  But it didn't.   I also noticed the newer diesel poured slower into the gas can and out of it.

It was starting to get dark.  So I put out a few small bales for the cows to eat for the rest of the day.  The temperature is predicted to warm up over the next few days.  At a warmer temperature the diesel will ungell.

I never had this problem with my tractor before.  But then, I never had such cold weather here when I had the tractor.

I can't wait for this cold weather to be over.  I want my global warming back!

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