Sunday, January 30, 2022

Banana gone

Late this afternoon I took out a small hay bale to tide the cattle over until tomorrow.  I feed the cattle near the middle pasture gate.  I have to toss the bale over the gate then go and spread the bale out so all the cattle can get some hay.  I also had a small pail of ash from my wood stove and a banana to eat later.  Once the hay was spread I would go and spread the ash elsewhere and in walking there would eat the banana.  So I don't have to go through / climb over the gate I put the ash pail and banana right next to the gate so I can reach them through the gate.

Once I spread out the hay, which doesn't take long, I went back to get the ash pail and banana.  I discovered my banana was missing.  Apparently one of the cattle reached under the gate and got the banana.  I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been.  These cattle often do something you don't expect them to.   Who would have thought a cow would like to eat a banana?

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