Monday, November 01, 2021

Bicycling and stuff found

I knew earlier this year I planned to ride less miles on my bicycle.  And I have.  Sort of.  Ok, a few less miles than last year.  So I guess I have ridden less miles.   How many miles?  As of November 1 I have ridden 6060 miles this year.  Less than last year by a little bit.  What can I say... I like riding my bicycle.   And Patti doesn't live in Montana anymore so she can't convince me every week to go hiking to some lake or mountain top instead.

I have been finding stuff on the side of the road as I bicycle.  I have lots of bungee cords.  Complete cords usually. Or a bungee cord missing one hook.  I also have lots of bungee cord hooks as I also find broken bungee cords with a hook.

I also have lots of gloves.  A complete pair of gloves is not commonly found. But a large number of gloves can be paired if I find the other hand of that type of glove another day.  And if they don't match, the livestock and manure don't mind if the gloves don't match.

I find a few shoes. Usually only one shoe and not a pair.  Doesn't matter.  The few I found in my size I use when I have to go in the river to check my irrigation intake, or walk in the river due to the cattle.  The river bottom is rocky/gravely so a shoe is needed.  Again, the shoes don't need to match in looks in the water.

I found a collapsible fishing net the other day.  And for whatever reason, this year, over time, I have found three or four large metal hooks for chains.

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