Thursday, December 21, 2017

Recent snow

The big snow event came and went.  Tonight and tomorrow is round 2 - though this event is supposed to be only a few inches of new snow.  The other difference is we are supposed to have very strong winds, up to 35 mph, then colder temperatures.  The previous snow totaled between 10 and 12 inches.  I am still shoveling snow off the driveway.  I do have paths shoveled to the corral, barn and outbuildings.  I imagine the strong winds forecast will fill those paths in with snow.

The snow has pretty much shut down all my projects on the ranch.

Daisy is taking the weather change well.  Not too much complaining about it to me.  She doesn't spend much time outside now.  So I see much more of her and also have her laying on my lap much more.

Ash from my wood burning stove on the new snow.

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